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For a full list of current activites, visit my Monash University Profile
Building interactive multi-touch surfaces.
Tabletops-Horizontal Interactive Displays, Human-Computer Interaction Series (2010): 27-49
Müller-Tomfelde, Christian, et al
Build me a Ubicomp: bespoke ubiquitous accessibility in live television production environments
Reuben Kirkham, Tom Bartindale, Michael Evans, Patrick Olivier
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2015, 853-880
Our Story: Addressing Challenges in Development Contexts for Sustainable Participatory Video
Older Voices: Supporting Community Radio Production for Civic Participation in Later Life
Sangoshthi: Empowering Community Health Workers through Peer Learning in Rural India.
Deepika Yadav, Pushpendra Singh, Kyle Montague, Vijay Kumar, Deepak Sood, Madeline Balaam, Drishti Sharma, Mona Duggal, Tom Bartindale, Delvin Varghese, and Patrick Olivier.
In Proc. WWW ’17, Switzerland, 2018
Media Literacy as a By-Product of Collaborative Video Production by CS Students
I'm always up for a chat, so get in touch...